A la carte Experts

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The incubated businesses have access to a bank of hours in order to have one-on-one meetings with many experts who will support them, challenge them and advise on different issues :

Action Environnement
Environnement and sustainable development

Agence Alexis
Content marketing

Alexandra Beaulieu
Investment strategy and subsidy sourcing

Alpha Premium
Digital go-to-market strategy


Aqua Ingenium
Water engineering

Ax Conseil
Psychological and organizational health

Axiome CPA inc.
Digital accounting, certification and taxation

Architecture and urban design

By Iris
Partnership Development – Tourism Experience Development

Canadian Intellectual Property Office
Intellectual property

Centre d’Expérimentation et de Développement en Forêt Boréale (CEDFOB)
Nordic berries and entomology

Accounting, financial tools and practices

Colombe Bourque
Strategic development in tourism

Dfinit Conseil inc.
Strategic tourism development

Digital and software creation

Recreation and tourism planning and development

Sustainable development and ecotourism

Frédéric Asselin
DG, Vallée Bras-du-Nord
Creation of tourist destination

Géo360 inc.
Go-to-market and marketing strategy

Information of technology

Human Resources

GPS Tourisme
Sustainable tourism and ecotourism

Sustainable development strategy

Hélène Philion
Sustainable territorial development

Marketing strategy

Jonathan Laberge
Marketing strategy

Julie Tardif
Development of destinations-parterships-marketing

Les Aménagements nordiques
Deforestation and footpaths

Les Entreprises Forestières Memotech inc.
Forest services

Louis Fortier Design
Web and graphic design

Marianne Roberge
Organizational strategies

Marie Côté
Marketing Québec tourism products

Marie-Josée Blanchet
Business strategies and partnerships

Mathieu Bergeron
Business strategy – Adventure tourism and ecotourism

Mathieu Brunet
Tourism business strategy

Mire Graphik
Visual marketing

Neashish & Champoux s.e.n.c.
Indigenous law

Agrifood expertise and gourmet tourism

Philippe Bourdon

Pierre B. Paquin 
Commercial and administrative law

Piron et associés
Human resources and remuneration

Plan Xpert Technologies
Products and service in technologies

Productions optimales
Video production and photography

Sandra Cinq-Mars
Business model and business plan

Sébastien St-Jean
Image, marketing and media

Services conseils Aqua Ingenium
Water engineering

Solutions Alex (S.E.N.C.)
Electrical energy production and storage systems

Stein Monast 
Services juridiques

Corporate communication and PR – Gouv.

Ton Équipier
Go-to-market strategy

Vignola stratégies d'affaires
Strategic development plan

Village Monde
Marketing of sustainable micro-destinations

VitamineB Marketing
Digital marketing

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